Investment tax planning is not just about writing the government a cheque; it can be a deeply involved process that considers many different variables.
This careful work can dramatically lower the taxes you owe. Every investment option has a tax implication, and understanding the tradeoffs between each choice is critical to maximizing your returns.
RRSP, RRIF, LIF, TFSA, JWROS, LIRA – who can make sense of this alphabet soup?
Investment tax planning is another essential service offered by our team. Not only can a Financial Advisor help you choose the right investment options, they can show you why some alternatives aren’t the best fit for you.
The Tax-Free Savings Account is a registered savings account that allows taxpayers to earn investment income tax-free inside the account. Contributions to the…
Registered Education Savings Plans are registered education savings plans that grow tax-free until the child is ready for university, college or a vocational…
A Registered Retirement Savings Plan is a retirement plan that is registered with the federal government and that you or your spouse or common-law…
Since 2008, the Registered Disability Savings Plan has been available to Canadians who qualify for the disability tax credit and offers a tremendous bonus to…
RRSP Loans
Borrowing money to invest in an RRSP has many advantages. Besides the immediate tax refund, you also can also increase the amount that you have to invest…
Borrowing to Invest
Leveraged investing is defined as borrowing money to finance an investment. You are familiar with the concept of leverage if you’ve ever borrowed money…
Many people will offer you advice on which investments…
For most Canadians, retirement is a major financial goal that…
Many people assume that estate planning is only for the…
Investment tax planning is not just about writing the…
Careful portfolio analysis is necessary to ensure that…
Proper analysis is vital to ensure that you aren’t paying too…
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At Open View Wealth Advisory, we aim to help you own your future through the use of personalized plans that set you and your family up for success.
With almost 40 years of combined experience, our team utilizes proven strategies that have helped our clients navigate the financial world so that they can reap the benefits of what life has to offer without the fear of financial burden.
If you wish to build a plan that helps you own your future, please click the link at the very bottom to book a consultation.
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